Monday, December 7, 2009

Cool tag.

I stole this tag from Elraina. So here it go's.

1. Six names you go by:

1. Moriah (my real name.)

2. Mo

3. Mojo

4. Peach

5. Yaya. ( my grandpa call's me that.)

6. I cant think of anything.

2. 3 things you are wearing right now:

1. Pajama pant's.

2. A purple and black T-shirt.

3. 2 pairs of sock's.

3. 3 things you want very badly right now:

1. Get taller.

2. See Ashley's new sister!

3. See Gingers new baby.

4. Three things that you did last night/yesterday:

1. Had church.

2. Chopped down a Christmas tree.

3. Knitted.

5. Two things that you ate today:

1. Cinnamon roll.

2. Milk

6. Two people you last talked to on the phone:

1. My dad

2. Grandma.

7. Two things that you are going to do today/tomorrow:

1. Go to great grandma's house.

2. Read.

8. Your three favorite beverages:

1. Lemonade

2. Milk

3. Root beer


carlotta cisternas said...

Cute! :)

Monica said...

I did it:

Victoria Horea said...

Thanks! :)

Hope's Mother said...

Hi there. I just found your blog and I'm glad I did. :)